Carolina: a fabulous mess...

Because life is never perfect… and it's fine.

Wednesday, November 30, 2005


Is not that don’t believe in it. Is not that I don’t think that a lot of the things that happen, are somehow previously arranged to happen like that. Just like the “treasure hunting” game, full of hidden clues. Days, months, full of threaded facts waiting to happen, when the distance, the time, the attention are right. Is unavoidable, but you can dig your own grave or the other way around. It all depends on your will, on your mood. It is easy to blame others and keep going in circles, as cutting diamonds with a rubber knife.
So, lets say that I have stopped doing it. Lets think that the first step trying to break a bad habit... is facing it. The thing is.. that even when I have a very good attitude towards things (completely dyed with my black jokes also), it has been easier to play the victim.
So, if the lifelines have already been drawn, isn’t it better to draw a brand new design?
So from this very moment I leave my rubber knife and take up again my paintbrush.

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Fotos del 18!

Aunque estas fotos tienen más de dos meses... la Andreita y su amigui recién me las enviaron... y como la amistad no muere.. ni menos el copete... aquí estan!
A todo esto.. en el carrete habían más de 15 personas.. pero nosotros 5 procedimos llevar a cabo una sesión fotográfica mientras los otros se tomaban hasta la molestia.





Saturday, November 26, 2005

Cumple de Chands!

Chandy hoy cumple 21. Anoche nos fuimos a celebrar un ratito al bar "Notable"... las fotos se las mostraremos a nuestros nietos en ochocientos mil años más.. para que sepan como festejaban sus abuelitos de miechica

Feliz "cumpliaños" Chandy!

Picture 001
La polerita es uno de los regalos que Patita y "mi persona" le "obsequiamos" a este chiquillo!

Picture 002

Picture 004

Picture 007

Picture 009

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Felipe y su graduación!

Soooooooooooo...finally Felipe graduated. Y premiado tambien! his thesis was the best of the entire class... I am proud!

Graduacion Felipe Ese es mi hermanito!

Graduacion Felipe
La familia feliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiz!

Graduacion Felipe

Graduacion Felipe
Los hermanitos Acevedo - menos el cogote de Felipe

Graduacion Felipe
Los hermanitos Acevedo nuevamente, mas los ojos saltones de F

Graduacion Felipe
How many retards can we fit in one cab?

Graduacion Felipe
I repeat, how many?