Carolina: a fabulous mess...

Because life is never perfect… and it's fine.

Monday, October 31, 2005

I need a life

I stole this meme from Dennis, who stole it from Sam, who stole it from Travis who stole it from Matt.

Instructions: Visit, put your first name and the word "needs" in quotations (e.g., "Carolina needs") (I had to take out the exclamation point for this exercise -- grrr) in the search box, and then click the Google Search button. Write down the top 10 results.

1. Carolina needs football tradition: well, I do go to the stadium.. once in a while. My bro wouldn't go with me anymore cause he says I scream and yell too much. And heck yeah, I DO!

2. Carolina needs one complete game: right on!

3. Carolina - needs: ok, I am friggin needy then! no matter what you offer, I am always in need!

4. Carolina needs a new type of prison: am I that much of a criminal that I need to be behind bars now?

5. Carolina needs the authority to use the CP: what on earth is the CP? Carolina Power?

6. Carolina needs all of it's friends from everywhere: yeah, I do need them all, although they are spread all over the place!

7. Carolina needs a population-based cancer registry: whatever that means... I do try to get checked when necessary in order to keep being a healthy Carolina....

8. Carolina needs O'Neill to have big series: I'll tell you about it when I meet someone called O'Neill.

9. Carolina needs experienced tile setters: don't I need my own place first?

10. Carolina needs essential services: who doesn't? - that is all I'm gonna add...

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