Carolina: a fabulous mess...

Because life is never perfect… and it's fine.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

The useless facts of the weekend!

Time for me to start writing on my Blog again. Is one of my new little projects.
I have been way too tangled up with other issues and I have forgotten to have time for me and my things. Here I am, resuming things little by little. So hang in there people. Rita is coming back. Slowly but surely.

What a better way to start than letting you know the useless facts of the weekend??

Things that I’ve learned in the past 3 months:

- Leffe beer is expensive in Chile but worth it!
- Drinking freshly squeezed orange juice every morning will prevent you getting a cold.
- Kangaroo meat tastes just like beef.
- I always forget to water my own plants, however my friends ask me to go and water theirs when they are on holidays.
- Robot chicken is a friggin’ funny show!
- French champagne does not give me a hangover.
- The weather is getting better… so long Rita… welcome bicycle!

Things that I knew and have not changed in the past three months:

- Men are from Mars and women are from Venus. Seriously.
- I love reading.
- My unconditional love for Emmanuel (who’s coming to Chile in Oct…)
- I wiggle a lot in bed. Well, I’m a “palito en el poto” afterall!
- I love my work. And my coworkers.
- I adore my parents. And Felipe. And Ethan. And Cain & Caina.
- I get easily bored during long flights.
- I still “over toast” bread
- Salt and vinegar chips rock
- I love cooking.
- I hate cleaning the bathroom.
- Prendo con agua, aire o viento.
- My memory sucks.
- I love my “club del jugo” friends.

And since this post wouldn’t be a proper post without pics… here I go, with my chick friends… that stand by me no matter what or when. Thank you girls…!

pata 052

Picture 239



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